Email 1: AMAZON M0ney - It's open! Hey [first name] Yesterday I told you about the new way to make kesh using Amazon kindle. If you were interested, well... food don cook. It's ready. I have created a free video that walks you through the process step by step. Click here to check it out. Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon is worth $250 billion. If you're not his child, you won't get a penny of that money as inheritance. This is is one guaranteed way to make him send you some. Click here to watch the video. Adios! Emelda ============================ Email 2: The "No Selling" Method OR Messi, Ronaldo and Making M0ney Online. [first name], You know what the biggest issue with making money online is? Here it is: You have to be good at selling. and if you want to make millions every money, then you have to be REALLY at selling. Now I don't know about you, but the truth of the matter is some people are simply not born with that gift. Yes, they may try to learn it, but they still won't be as good as those ith the talent inborn. Because believe it or not, selling is a talent - some people are just born with it. It's like Messi and Ronaldo Messi was born with footballs running through his blood. If you doubt it, grab him if you see him one day and cut him a little. Ronaldo on the other hand, learnt the skill, and yes he is as good as MEssi, maybe even better but my good ness that guys works his ass off to be as good as he is. Messi just wakes up and plays. The same thing happens every day with internet marketing. If you have the talent for selling - you are Messi and you will be able to do it effortlessly. If you don't, you can work really hard and be Ronaldo. But the quesion is, how many people can be Ronaldo. So if you don;t know how to sell, and don't want to go through the punishment of learning how to, does this eans you can never make money online? Fortunately, the answer is NO. You don't need to to be a sales master to make money online. There is a way out for people like you. It is called Amazon Kindle. I sent an email to you about it yesterday. In case you missed it, click this link and learn more about it. You will thank your stars. LINK ==> Cheers and talk to you tomorrow. Emelda =================================== Email 3: She makes $300/=N=210,000 a month from kindle [first name], It may not sound like mnuch to you but every single month, Jeff Bezos sends $300 to Chidalu, simply because 4 months a ago, she uploaded two books to her kindle account. She did nothing to promote it. She doesn't run adverts for it. She never posted it on her WhatsApp status. She doesn;t stay awake till 1 A.M. begging people to buy so that she can make a commission. Yet every month, $300 shows up in her account. Actually, some months its a little higher and some months it's a little lower. but that's the point. If she wants to make more money, all she needs to do is upload more books. The best part is, she doesn't ever write even one word of these books by herself. Amazing eh? Well, you can do the same thing too. I sho you how in a free training I recorded. It's short, will take you just 30 minutes to watch it. Click here to see. Cheers, Emelda. =================================== Email 4: My answers to your questions [firstname], Since yesterday I have gotten a lot of questions about the Amazon KDP thing, and you may even have some of your own. So what I decided to do today is to answer them for you. So here they are: Question 1: Do I need to be a writer to make money with Amazon KDP? My answer: No, you don't. There are ways to get books written for you without you doing it yourself. Some of them require that you spend money, but many others don't. I explain more inside the free training which you can find here. Question 2: How do I get paid by Amazon? My answer: Evey month end, Amazon sets aside a block sum of money to pay all Kindle publishers. The amount you earn depends on how many downloads your book got for that month, even if the book is free to download. And your earnings is sent direct to your bank account, and you can withdraw it anytime you want. Question 3: What currency will I be paid in? My answer: Dollars of course! Amazon is an American company so their default payment is dollars. They have an option to pay you in Naira too, but here's my advice, don't take it. Take the dollars instead and here's why. If you choose your pament in Naira, they will pay you at the official dollar-naira rate of =N=450. But if you take your money in dollars, you can withdraw it, and change it at =N=700 per dollar, meaning you get =N=250 extra per dollar. which one do you prefer? Question 4: I hope your question was covered. If it's not, just watch the free training here where I answer a lot more of them. Click here ==> [LINK] ================================================ Email 5: It's closing... Dear [first name], For the last couple od days, I have been telling you about the "new way" to make money money online without selling anything. You probably already know it's about Amazon Kindle publishing. What you don't know though is that my offer for it is ending today. The reason I have been urging you to go watch the video is so that if you do decide to take the training, I am adding some more of my own bonuses to ensure that when you start, you will get a lot of downlaods and sales, Why is this important? Because as I told you yesterday, the more your books get downloaed, the more money you make. who no like beta thing? My bonunses and offer is sha ending today. Click here to see it and how it benefits you. =======================================