Spend 3 FULL Days Working Closely With Me, We Will Be Revealing Our Deepest Secrets For Lead Generation, High-Converting Sales Presentations and Closing Techniques That Turn Strangers into Loyal, Life-Long, Non-Stop Paying Customers”

Dear Friend,

Sometime next month, in a meeting room somewhere in Lekki, around 100 people would be gathered with 3 of the brightest internet marketing minds out of Nigeria, one of who you’ve probably never even heard of.

Among the 100 people gathered will be affiliate marketers, ECommerce entrepreneurs and information publishers.


Details of this 3-day event, which you are reading about right now, is being spread far and wide, but only 100 people will eventually be chosen to attend.


You see, that group – the 100 who choose to attend, and the many others who heard about this event, but who choose not to attend, have a lot of things in common.


They all had been or currently are better than average students, they are personable and all of them — as young people are — are filled with ambitious dreams for the future.


Now in a few months, when a poll is conducted among them all, the attendees and the non-attendees of this event, they would still be very much alike.


Each group would still be running their online businesses, except for one HUGE DIFFERENCE.


Those 100 men and women who choose to attend the event would be running thriving, growing businesses, they would have happier lives, and they will be richer, much more richer than every other person who heard about this event but chose not to attend.

What Made The Difference?

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives? 


It isn’t always luck, intelligence or talent or dedication. 


It isn’t that one person wants success and the other doesn’t.


The difference lies in what each person knows, who they meet, what they learn, and then whether or not they decide to take advantage of the opportunities that life presents on a pate in front of them.


And that is why I am writing to you, as an Expertnaire Affiliate and attendee of the Expertnaire Affiliate Summit 2022.


From the 14th to the 16th of November 2023, I, Ronald Nzimora, with Jonathan Melody and with help from Toyin Omotoso will work with and soak 100 people seated right here in this hall in 3 days of the most impactful marketing and sales training ever created.


We call it…

Conversion Immersion Mastermind

It is our 3-Day, 100-Person only LIVE event where we will literally perform a marketing transplant from our heads to yours.


It’s going to hold in a meeting hall and you’d have to be physically present.


Here’s what will be covered in the three days.


Day 1: Rapid Lead FARMING Strategies


On this first day, I will be walking you through what I now describe as the Lead Farming


This is the exact process for writing, designing and running profit-pulling advertising campaigns that build massive lists to sell any kind of product, in any niche – including the “hard ones” like health, sex, “business opportunity”, etc.


I developed this secret by watching “The Brain”. What is the “brain”? 


It’s a $100 Million software developed by Chamber Media, one of the top marketing agencies in the USA. 


I learnt about it while drinking tea with Travis Chambers, the founder of Chamber Media (Google him) when I attended the Dubai Affiliate World Conference in February earlier this year.


And he showed me the “brain” as he explained what the best type of ads to run on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram are that cost the least but gets the highest amount of engagements and leads and which make your audience buy now NOT later.


Look, this thing absolutely blew my mind! 


It’s the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. If you have it in your hand, you will become like America in World War 2, virtually unstoppable. 


I will show you the charts he gave me, and then give them to you so you too can start using it to do things DIFFERENTLY, while other affiliates and online business people are copying each other to death, running the same type of ads and getting banned for plagiarism (yes they won’t tell you, but that’s one reason Facebook and Google ban accounts)


Yes, you will be using this secret I learnt from him to make your bank account fat.


Other stuff you will learn on Day 1 include:


→ Why you must immediately STOP DOING LEAD GENERATION and start LEAD FARMING for the remainder of 2022 and in 2023 and beyond.


The OFFLINE Lead Generation Machine – everybody talks about generating leads online, but have you tried generating leads OFFLINE? Because there you could be the King or Queen without competition! (We will show you two methods for generating very HIGH-QUALITY, money-in-hand leads using offline methods)


→ How to Design, Produce and launch a Product Funnel that turns strangers into buyers in as little as 2-7 Days.


The biggest reason why your ads and sales letters are not performing and one simple switch you can make to correct it (and it takes less than 5 mins)


How to Beat IOS with personalized creatives built for broad interest based targeting.


How to stop ad waste – over 50% of your ad budget is being thrown away. You will learn how to stop that finally.


The top 4 performing types of ad copy, for selling either digital or physical products


The scroll-stopping formula that make them pause when they see your advertising.


and much more!

Day 2: 9-Figure Offer Presentation Secrets


On Day 2 we will be talking about my personal and proprietary system for creating webinars that convert like you’re selling chilled bottled water in the middle of the Sahara Desert.


In January 2021, after perfecting this formula, I hosted a webinar which did ₦147 million Naira in sales in 2 months, (from January 11th to March 10th).


It was bonkers.


I am going to show you exactly how to script a webinar or video presentation just like that one, so you too can go and prosper massively.


And the best part is, it doesn’t matter if what you are selling is a physical or digital product, it works!


Here’s what one of you right here now listening to me who I taught it to had to say about the results she got:

Ayomide Had 50% Conversion

We will also show you on Day 2 how to use expert positioning and storytelling to do:


VSL Engineering: Learn how to create a VSL to sell any physical products or information product.


How to destroy resistance with stories…and how to craft powerful, persuasive stories even if you’ve never written a single story in your life before now.


→ How to “eavesdrop” on the conversation already going on in your prospect’s mind . . .and how to hijack that conversation to practically force them to follow your commands.


The law of reverse effect…The one hormone you must trigger in your prospect’s brain to build tremendous curiosity in your prospect so that they hang on to your every word like a starving monkey after a banana.


But we’re not done, because we still have…

Day 3: Perfect Closing Secrets


On this final day, we will get into closing and getting paid.


You see 7-9 Figure Salespeople don’t use ‘Closing Techniques’. Those are strategies created in traditional industries in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, and they hardly work well anymore because they’re old, they’re dated and the world has changed drastically since then. 


To keep following them is you stopping yourself from getting the number of sales you truly deserve for the amount of time you’re putting into this internet business thing).


Not to worry though because I have your ticket to sales freedom, and I will hand it over to you.


You will be learning:


Expert Positioning: how to close the sale before you ever get on the phone with anyone 


Trust Breeding: How to get strangers who reach out to you with questions about what you’re selling to lower their guard so they trust you enough to buy from you (I will show you how to build trust with anyone in as little as 5 mins)


→ How to practically eliminate personal rejection from any sales process forever.


Order Stacking: 3 different ways to double, triple, or quadruple how much you make from every product you sell without increasing your traffic!


The 2 “Qs” (Commitment questions) that are going to get your prospects to internally commit to purchasing what you’re offering them.


How to stop your prospects from raising objections when they contact you, and even if they do, exactly what to say to totally shatter any objection they could ever come up with.


And more!


Let me tell you, I can’t wait!

Now Here’s What You MUST Note
About These 3 Days…

We will start each day at 10 O’Clock and close as late as 6 P.M., maybe 7 P.M. It’s not an event for scared chickens, so be ready to pull the long hours over those three days.


We want people who are rabidly, madly even desire success and are willing to do everything it takes and more, within legal boundaries, to get it.


If that is you now…

Pay Attention!

If you like what you’ve read so far, and you want to attend the Conversion Immersion Mastermind, I will give you a discount of ₦50,000 if you join TODAY


This is my “kick in the yansh” to “force” you not to waste time and think about it too much.


To get that ₦50,000 discount, however, you have to click on the button below to have the coupon automatically applied.

Two Warnings However…
Before You Continue

WARNING: This coupon code is UNIQUE to you. It is also usable ONLY ONCE. which means it can only be applied once per user!


You will not be able to get it again, because the code expires after only one use, so make sure you’re ready before clicking through.


DOUBLE WARNING: The coupon code will also expire at exactly MIDNIGHT on the 6th of November, so make sure you’re signed up BEFORE that day. 


If that day comes and goes and you try to use the coupon, it will not work.


Now without wasting any more of your time,

Let Me Further Sweeten The Deal for You

I want to give you some bonuses to make this the sweetest deal you’ve gotten this 2022.


Here it goes.


→ Bonus #1: UN-BAN-ABLE Ad Templates


This is my secret vault of ad templates you can easily model and use on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok without getting banned.


You will get exact advert swipe files you can just literally copy and paste and put in your own details instead of mine, now here are 2 things, 


→ Bonus #2: My 9-Figure Webinar Script Template


I’m going to give you my webinar framework and the accompanying scripts that I use for my webinars. The same one that I used for my ₦147 million naira income-producing webinar for absolutely free.


Here are more testimonials from the few students I have shown this presentation template.

This Works Like a Charm

→ Bonus #3: The Perfect Closing Script 


My step-by-step closing Scripts that shatter all objections and have prospects begging you for their bank accounts. (You’re getting two different scripts- one for physical products and the other for digital products)


Before I move on, I need you to understand something about these three bonuses.


They are 100% copyrighted and proprietary, so you CAN NOT and should not share them with anyone ever.


If you do, you will be diluting its effectiveness, as every Tom, Dick and Harry will have and use it. Too many cooks it is said, spoil the broth. That’s why we limit the number of people who we give them to per time. 


They will come to you in Word docs and text files so you can easily copy it, but like I said, you must agree not to share it with anyone.


→ Bonus #4: 70% of WAMation Premium Plan


If you use WhatsApp for marketing, then you may have heard of WAMATION. It’s Africa’s first working WhatsApp autoresponder software. I am a huge fan of email marketing but WAMation is bonkers. 


It simplifies everything about Whatsapp marketing and if you currently use WhatsApp, you should be absolutely using it, the only trouble is, WAMation is kind of expensive. Its premium plan is ₦30,000 naira every month. 


But luckily the founder and creator of WAMation was my former student so I called him up and arm-twisted him to give you a 70% discount.


So if you join Conversion Immersion Mastermind today, you get a special link where you can join WAMation’s Premium Unlimited Plan for just ₦10,000 naira.


That is, a whopping 70% off! But you have to act quickly because this is a limited-time deal. If you want it, you have to join Conversion Immersion Mastermind, by latest midnight Nov 6th, 2022.

But Wait, That’s Not All!

I have one more bonus for you. In fact, it is the BIGGEST BONUS I am giving you today.


I believe you’ve heard me talk about KAIROS…yes?


It’s our brand-new affiliate platform which will be focused on physical products.


It has been in development for nearly 2 years and we will be doing an opening launch for it on the 12th of November at a registration price of =N=50,000, renewable every year for the same amount.


So here’s what I will do.

If you join Conversion Immersion Mastermind, by latest midnight Nov 6th, 2022, I will give you an account on KAIROS for the first year for


Here’s what your KAIROS account comes with:

◉ 30% – 80% Lifetime COMMISSIONS – Here’s what Lifetime commissions mean: If someone buys anything listed on the KAIROS Marketplace from you FIRST, anything they ever buy from the platform will be credited to you and you will get paid the corresponding commission EVEN IF you didn’t send them back there to buy.

◉ 45 Day cookies, which means if your prospects click on your link today, leave and come back and buy on day 45, you still get the sale credited to you.

◉ Follow-Up Reminder emails done by KAIROS to your prospects if they halt the buying process after clicking on the “Order” button.

 Your Customers, Your Asset: You will be able to see everybody who has ever bought from you and get access to their details – name, phone number, and email address.

◉ Weekly Payouts every Monday to your Preferred Bank

◉ High Converting, already tested, Copy-Paste Simple Adverts and Social Media posts for every single product we list on the platform.

◉ Professionally Written Done-For-You Follow-Up Messages, and Scripts to use to get more conversions

◉ Daily Success Apprentice – Your Daily Marketing Training centre where we teach you how to promote KAIROS offers and give you even more ads on social media posts for your promotions

◉ Access to our Affiliates-Only Mastermind Telegram Group

With KAIROS you will never have to see or touch or ship the product you are selling. We will handle the manufacturing abroad, importation, customs clearing, local shipment, customer care, returns, payment on delivery – everything.


We’re not charging you shipping or delivery fees or any penalties for returns, because we do not want you to worry about anything.


All you simply do is pick any offer you like – from a variety of niches – off the member’s area, then drive traffic to it, and get conversion simple.


Let me show you what the inside of KAIROS looks like.


How Much Is All of It?

Well, my initial plan was to offer it for ₦1,000,000 naira, especially because I will be handing over to you the secrets from “The Brain” but Jonathan said a lot of people wouldn’t be able to afford it at that price.


And I want 100 people to come in. 


So we debated it back and forth and landed at a price of ₦250,000 naira. 


We then decided to further slash it down to ₦150,000 naira for a limited time for the first 100 persons who join.


However, because you are right here at the Expertnaire Affiliate Summit, you will be getting that extra ₦50,000 naira discount I spoke about earlier, meaning you will only have to pay ₦100,000 by applying your UNIQUE COUPON CODE on the checkout page when you click the button below

Spots Left

Public: ₦150,000

YOU: ₦100,000

₦100,000 Naira for EVERYTHING!

Again here’s what you get:

You Gain Entrance to the 3 Day Conversion IMMERSION Mastermind

Bonus #1: UN-BAN-ABLE Ad Templates (Value: ₦‎50,000)

Bonus #2: My 9-Figure Webinar Script Template (Value: ₦‎250,000)

Bonus #3: The Perfect Closing Script (Value: ₦‎100,000)

Bonus #4: 70% of WAMation Premium Plan (Value: ₦‎20,000)

MEGA Bonus: FREE Partner Account on KAIROSOFFERS.com (Value: ₦‎50,000 per year)


A further ₦‎50,000 DISCOUNT if you register before 

That’s A Total of ₦‎470,000 in Freebies!

But you have to click to apply your UNIQUE COUPON CODE 

Alright, we have discussed this long enough. Now is decision time.

Are you in or out?

If you’re in. Click the button below and apply your unique COUPON CODE on the checkout page where you can insert your code immediately.

We’ll take it up from there and let you know about the venue and other arrangements.


I look forward to having and teaching you.

Go ahead now.

Ronald Nzimora

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